IQAC-BUBT Organized Workshop on “Implementation Procedure of Bangladesh National Qualification Framework.”

A workshop on “Implementation Procedures of Bangladesh National Qualification Framework” organized by IQAC of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) was held on 22nd February, 2023.

Professor Dr. Md. Fayyaz Khan, Honorable Vice Chancellor of BUBT presided over the inaugural session while Prof. Md. Abu Saleh, Advisor of BUBT and Honorable Member of BUBT Trust, Prof. Md. Ali Noor, Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor of BUBT, Dr. Md. Harun-or-Rashid, Registrar of BUBT, Distinguished members of twelve Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC) of different academic programs of different faculties of BUBT, Deans of all faculties of BUBT and senior professors were participated in the Workshop.

Prof. Santi Narayan Ghosh, Director of IQAC and BRIC welcomed all participants of workshop. He said that Bangladesh is a bit late in handling the issue. It is claimed that social, economic and political development of a nation is highly dependent on the strength and quality of tis education system. During the last 30 years one of many global policies has been the framing of a Qualification Framework with a view to achieve quality higher education. It is expected that the implementation of Qualification Framework will improve skill, and competencies of graduates, and support national development goals and internationalization agenda of the country. Prof. Santi Narayan Ghosh also indicated that during implementation some of the rules may appear to be impracticable. Sometimes certain rules need to be either modified or changed.

Zaved Mannan, Additional Director of IQAC of BUBT conducted one technical session as keynote speaker. He discussed the concept, significance, process, implementation, five objectives and five pillars of Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF) in detail. Zaved Mannan also discussed the progress report of Improvement Plan of different POE prescribed in Self-assessment Report (SAR) conducted in 2018. He requested all PSACs to conduct compliance audit of academic programs.