MasterSys Unveils Outcome Based Education Software at BUBT

Dhaka, Bangladesh – June 3, 2024 – The demonstration of the OBE based software developed by MasterSys took place on Monday, June 3, at 12:00 PM in Meeting Room 220, Building 2 at BUBT. The event aimed to evaluate the software’s capability to address the university’s needs in managing and implementing OBE practices effectively in the university. The feedback gathered from this demonstration will be instrumental in making a final decision regarding the software’s adoption for all departments within BUBT.

Mr. Faruq Hosen, CEO of Mastersys along with Mr. Sumon Ahmed (Lead Engineer), Mr. Shamim Ahmed (Business Development) demonstrated the software to BUBT management highlighting the software’s features and benefits. Prof. Dr. Md. Fayyaz Khan, Vice Chancellor; Prof. Md. Abu Saleh, Advisor; Dr. Md. Ali Ahmed, Treasurer; Dr. Harun-Or-Rashid, Registrar; Prof. Santi Narayan Ghosh, Director, IQAC; Mr. Zaved Mannan, Additional Director of IQAC-BUBT, deans of all faculties, chairman of all departments and Head of all PSAC were present in the demonstration. 

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) is currently prioritizing the accreditation of all its programs, placing high importance on achieving accreditations by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) for its academic offerings. Accreditation will enhance the quality of the academic programs, creating value for both students and faculty. It also established a framework for continuous quality improvement. As part of this ongoing effort, BUBT is extensively focusing on implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for all programs. To facilitate this process for students and faculty, a software solution may be beneficial for a wide range of stakeholders of the university.