An impactful seminar under the theme “The Role of Bangladesh Financial Reporting Council in Ensuring Quality of Financial Reports.” took place on September 25, 2023, at the International Conference Hall of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT). The seminar witnessed substantial interest and active participation from faculty members representing the Faculties of Business, Social Sciences, and Law & Justice, highlighting their collective dedication to advancing financial reporting transparency.
Prof. Dr. Md. Hamidullah Bhuyian, Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) graced the seminar as the Chief Guest. Dr. Ahamuduzzaman, Executive Director of the Financial Reporting Council delivered a keynote address, shedding light on the significance of the Financial Reporting Act 2015 and its pivotal role in academic curricula. Md. Shamsul Huda FCA, Chairman of BUBT Trust, welcomed the audience as the Guest of Honor. Prof. Dr. Syed Masud Husain, a distinguished Professor of Accounting and Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, enriched the seminar as the Special Guest.
The seminar was presided over by Prof. Dr. Muhammed Fayyaz Khan, Vice Chancellor of BUBT, and opened with a warm welcome by Prof. Santi Narayan Ghosh, a renowned Professor of Accounting and Director of IQAC-BUBT. The event featured presentations that emphasized the pivotal role of the FRC in championing financial transparency, discussions on the significance of the Financial Reporting Act 2015, and the imperative of integrating FRC regulations into academic curricula.
An interactive question and answer session allowed the audience to actively engage and seek clarifications, providing a direct platform for dialogue with the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker.
In recognition of their invaluable contributions, Md. Shamsul Huda FCA presented a token of appreciation to Prof. Dr. Hamid Ullah Bhuiyan, Chairman of FRC, and Prof. Dr. Md. Fayyaz Khan presented a gift to Dr. Ahamuduzzaman, Executive Director of FRC.
Prof. Dr. Muhammed Fayyaz Khan concluded the seminar with insightful closing remarks, expressing sincere gratitude to all participants and acknowledging the dedicated efforts of the IQAC team in organizing this enlightening event.
The seminar resoundingly fulfilled its mission to foster discussions on financial transparency and promote robust collaboration between academia and the Financial Reporting Council. It marked a significant step toward aligning educational initiatives with the FRC’s vision for enhanced transparency and accountability in financial reporting.
In closing, Zaved Mannan, Additional Director of IQAC, extended his gratitude to everyone in attendance and commended the hard work of the IQAC team in organizing this event. He expressed appreciation for the exceptional leadership of the Vice Chancellor, the unwavering support of Dr. Harun-Or-Rashid, the Registrar of BUBT, and the gracious presence and participation of Deans, Chairmen, and faculty members.