Successful Collaboration Unveiled: BUBT and UNDP Join Forces to Offer Scholarships

Dhaka, 24 January 2024 – The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)-BUBT arranged a successful meeting titled “Offering Scholarship to Students of BUBT,” held on 24th January at 12:00 pm in Meeting Room No. 220, University Building -2.

The esteemed attendees included:

– Prof. Dr. Md. Ali Noor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, BUBT

– Dr. Md. Harun-Or- Rashid, Registrar, BUBT

– Prof. Santi Narayan Ghosh, Director, IQAC-BUBT

– Mr. Zaved Mannan, Additional Director, IQAC-BUBT

-Khandaker Abir Hossain Nur, Executive- Private Sector Employment Program, Futurenation, (UNDP)


The meeting served as a collaborative platform where BUBT and UNDP explored opportunities to provide scholarships to deserving students. Meaningful discussions and insights were shared, paving the way for an impactful partnership to support education and empower students.

The successful meeting marked a significant milestone in our commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for students at BUBT. We are excited about the potential impact of this collaboration with Futurenation, UNDP in offering scholarships to deserving individuals,” remarked Prof. Dr. Md. Ali Noor, Pro-Vice Chancellor of BUBT.

The collaboration aims to contribute to the broader goal of ensuring education accessibility and quality, aligning with the mission and values of both BUBT and UNDP.